Showing posts from May, 2021
Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 169- 172, 03/27/1955- 03/30/1955
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Gun Law, Story #5, “Kid Mackie”, Episodes 17 - 20
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 165- 168, 03/22/1955- 03/26/1955
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Gun Law, Story #5, “Kid Mackie”, Episodes 10 - 13
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 161- 164, 03/17/1955- 03/21/1955
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Gun Law, Story #5, “Kid Mackie”, Episodes 9 - 12
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 157- 160, 03/13/1955- 03/16/1955
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Gun Law, Story #5, “Kid Machie”, Episodes 5 - 8
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 153- 156, 03/08/1955- 03/12/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 26 May 2021
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A bit late but today's strip responds to my point yesterday that there couldn't be 100 million Chrabs in such a small location. Except that it doesn't. 100 million Chrabs each the size of a small whale would take up quite a bit of space and displace a fair amount of dirt. Why aren't their ginomous dirt mounds laying around like a mole leaves? Does she expect us to believe that they just sit under the surface just doing nothing? And why they would they build a city with jails and other, um, stuff (not sure what to call those things Lemon has drawn. I know he has no idea either)? Day-after day Joey smashes the dumb-o-meter with absolute nonsense. Interesting that this story deals with "land crabs" while over at Mark Trail there is talk of "land shrimp." I guess not only geniuses think alike. Today's dumbness:
Gun Law, Story #5, “Kid Machie”, Episodes 1 - 4
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 149- 152, 03/03/1955- 03/0//1955
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Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 61 - 64
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 145- 148, 02/27/1955- 03/02/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 25 May 2021
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Everything in the retooled Alley Oop is used to tee up for the big joke in the final panel. In this case, today's laugh is that the Doc and his two assistants are going to have to transport 100 million Chrabs back to Universe #7. Excuse me, the bigger laugh is that it is 100 million minus one since the only Chrab named Linda passed away. Does this work as a joke? Not really. We've seen the extent of Chrab City which is just a couple of clam shells. They might be able to house 100 Chrabs as Doc originally assumed but nowhere near 100 million. And the Queen could hardly be aware, or want to be aware of, a single Chrab except maybe if it was a close relative. So it's a double failure and anybody "hearting" this would have to have a brain of mush. (Alley Oop's crying for Linda in the final panel is behavior that has become so predictable.) Today's crying shame:
Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 57 - 60
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 141- 144, 02/22/1955- 02/26/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 24 May 2021
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Just Friday, Queen Chrab described how the Chrabs had mysteriously been transported into the Wild West Universe. Apparently Doc wasn't paying attention because he asks her if she has any idea how they got there. More likely it was Joey forgetting what had just happened in her own story. Today's big joke is that if Doc helps the Chrabs return to their universe, will they release the prisoners to which the Queen says "of course" and then realizes that they mean alive. The joke fails to work because it is impossible to release someone that is dead since they can't move. Why does Doc even ask, though? He could simply send the Chrabs back and then release the prisoners. A little bit of logic in this strip would be very welcome. Today's lack of logic:
Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 141- 144, 02/17/1955- 02/21/1955
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Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 53 - 56
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Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 49 - 52
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 137- 140, 02/13/1955- 02//16/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 22 May 2021
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Not a lot to gripe about today as it looks like my suggested outcome yesterday of Doc helping the Chrabs get back to their universe is about to happen. Yeah, there is the usual crappy joke about attaching limbs to the Terrific Trio, although that wheelbarrow looks like it's a bit short of having enough limbs. Funnier, though. is the first panel where Wonmug points with what appears to be his thumb. Either that or a really large finger although his hand shows four other fingers. The artwork just gets sloppier and sloppier every day. Today's badly drawn lines can be found at: I will just make one last comment that whenever there seems like there is going to be some type of conflict in this strip, it evaporates into nothingness, much like Jonny's background art. Originally the Chrabs were presented as beings who destroy people and things just because the people are fighting. It turns out, though, that they are destructive because t...
Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 45 - 48
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 137- 140, 02/08/1955- 02//12/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 21 May 2021
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I keep trying to figure out what is more ridiculous in the revamped "Alley Oop", the art or the writing. For a long time it was obviously the writing but lately the art seems to be approaching the same level as Joey's writing. In the Chrab story, the art just seems to have fallen completely off the table. The background for some days has just been a bunch of squiggly, sort of concentric nothings. That isn't hyperbole; they are literally nothing. They can't even be defined as filler because they aren't good enough to be called filler since they don't represent or resemble anything. And colored in the same bland pinkish color so you can't even distinguish one shapeless blob from another. I was thinking of starting a GoFundMe page to buy Lemon some art lessons but I was afraid he might be embarrassed if it raised less than $100. On the other hand, if he can't be embarrassed by his godawful artwork, it looks like nothing could shame this man. In today...
Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 41 - 44
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 133- 136, 02/03/1955- 02//07/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 20 May 2021
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Queen Chrab takes the opportunity to rag on Universe # - geeze, I already forgot what meaningless number Joey gave to the Wild West Universe. Her biggest complaint centers around the absence of some nonsense called the "Interclaw", a description of which is too silly to repeat. But the big joke deals with Doc complaining bout the lack of indoor plumbing. Given all of the time-travel Alley Oop has done over the years, this is one thing I never, ever gave a thought to, how Alley is able to go to the bathroom. Leave it to Joey and her penchant for zaniness to bring up such a sensitive issue. Thankfully, as in all of her jokes, it will be forgotten tomorrow. And speaking of "dumps":
Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 37 - 40
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 129- 132, 01/30/1954- 02//02/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 19 May 2021
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I'm not a physicist so my understanding of what multiple universes really means is likely wrong. But Joey seems to have even less understanding and whatever her concept is, after two-and-a-half years of writing this strip, remains shrouded in mystery. It appears - and I could be way wrong on this - is that the multiple universes are somewhat similar with differences caused by a divergence of events where there are two or more possible outcomes, e.g. a person is offered a job offer in a foreign county and in one universe accepts it but in the parallel universe decides to stay where he is. That sort of makes sense. In Joey's view, the universes are just wildly and randomly different and the differences cannot be explained by assuming different event outcomes. One universe is filled with puppy dogs while another is populated solely by butlers, all of them apparently men and apparently serving nobody. Randomly they are numbered but the numbers mostly have no meaning and why they ar...
Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 33 - 36
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 129- 132, 01/25/1954- 01/29/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 18 May 2021
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Is it really too much to ask of Joey that she remember what she wrote the day before? The big guffaw yesterday was that Queen Chrab was democratically elected and was not a true queen. News flash to Joey - democratically elected rulers - not even Donald Trump - have throne rooms. And they don't wear crowns either. If Queenie paid anything for this renovation, she sure was taken. A whole bunch of squirrelly purple blobs that don't seem all that useful should be free. What is any of this supposed to be? Your guess is as good as anybody's. Today's blobby mess:
Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 29 - 32
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 125- 128, 01/20/1954- 01/24/1955
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On Today's Alley Oop - 17 May 2021
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Another review so soon after the week recap - what's up with that? Today's gag is so bad that it needs some kind of comment. WOO (Wonmug, Oop, and Ooola) continues to talk to the Queen (this strip is never short of talk) and found out that her name is Queen and she isn't a Queen . But that isn't the big joke. You see, she has a brother whose name is "Brain Surgeon" even though he is a podiatrist . Oh, Joey is such a wit! The joke fails to work because although Queen could actually be someone's name but nobody, not even Frank Zappa, would name their child "Brain Surgeon". And why would crabs, excuse me Chrabs, need a podiatrist? Double failure on that joke, Joey.
Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 25 - 28
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 125- 128, 01/16/1954- 01/19/1955
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On Alley Oop - the Week of May 9- 15, 2021
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In my last review of the strip about a time-travelling caveman, the Terrific Trio (plus the old coot) had just been placed in jail by the terrible Chrabs and found themselves with a tough-cookie cellmate, Kay Chesapeake. The gang feels they need to escape and spend a few days talking about it, conveniently forgetting their time-cubes that can magically transport them to anywhere they desire. On Tuesday, Oop finds a loose stone which opens the door to a secret room that Kay built in her spare time. Somehow the room is fully furnished and has a door that opens to the outside and freedom, something that Kay hasn't used because she doesn't like change. Of course, none of this makes any logical sense. You can't make a room and furnishings out of nothing and something this elaborate would be easily observed but hose kind of facts never bother Joey.. It's just another example of Joey writing the most ridiculous storyline possible in her continuous quest to be zany which she al...
Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 21 - 24
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 125- 128, 01/11/1954- 01/15/1955
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Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 17 - 20
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 121- 124, 01/06/1954- 01/10/1955
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Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 13 - 16
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 117- 120, 01/02/1954- 01/05/1955
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Gun Law, Story #4, “The Jane Lawson Story”, Episodes 9- 12
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Jeff Hawke, Story #2, “The Martian Invasion”, Episodes 113- 116, 12/28/1954- 01/01/1955
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