On Today's Alley Oop - 21 May 2021

I keep trying to figure out what is more ridiculous in the revamped "Alley Oop", the art or the writing. For a long time it was obviously the writing but lately the art seems to be approaching the same level as Joey's writing. In the Chrab story, the art just seems to have fallen completely off the table. The background for some days has just been a bunch of squiggly, sort of concentric nothings. That isn't hyperbole; they are literally nothing. They can't even be defined as filler because they aren't good enough to be called filler since they don't represent or resemble anything. And colored in the same bland pinkish color so you can't even distinguish one shapeless blob from another. I was thinking of starting a GoFundMe page to buy Lemon some art lessons but I was afraid he might be embarrassed if it raised less than $100. On the other hand, if he can't be embarrassed by his godawful artwork, it looks like nothing could shame this man.

In today's sequence, we find that the Chrabs were just happy-go-lucky beings, busily pinching each other, until they somehow were transported into the Wild West Universe. This seems to be the first time anybody shifting into another universe was knocked out, as witness the Queen explaining to Wonmug that "when we came to" they were in this desert world. Did the entire population of their Universe get transported? That doesn't seem likely given the size of Chrabtown. Why were they transported and why did they black out? We all know the answer to that - "just because". Oh, well. At least the tone has shifted from a confrontation between the Three Goofs and the Terrible Chrabs to one in which Wonmug uses the time-cube to get them back home. You remember the time-cube, the device they forgot to use to get out of the prison? At least it looks like this sorry story won't go on much longer. Yay!

Today's indignity: https://www.gocomics.com/alley-oop/2021/05/21


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