Showing posts from January, 2021
On today's Little Oaf - 31 January 2021
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I guess Little Oaf has advanced enough to be able to read since it was unlikely that Moo had much written literature and even if it had, it's likely that it wouldn't be in English. And he's gotten so hip that he knows that a phone book from 1999(what does that year designation mean to Little Oaf?) would be considered a classic? Just more silly nonsense, although I'm beginning think that between this and the weekday idiocy, the Little Oaf stuff is less oppressive and stultifying to read. Maybe they should cancel the Oaf strip and make the whole weekday and weekend strip be the adventures of Little Oaf. Couldn't hurt. 🤷♂️
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 65-68
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On today's Alley Oaf - 30 January 2021
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So that's how they have gotten back to "real" life. As speculated Plank had the controls and they have become so tiny that they somehow passed some barrier in the time/space continuum and have "shrunk" back down to the Time Lab. Pretty good trick. Then Ava welcomes them back, and will soon have to explain who Planck is. So I guess we can assume this arc is toast and the next arc will be Doc complaining about Ava's high tech chair and hilarious adventures with Planck.
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 61-64
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Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 57-60
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On today's alley Oaf - 28 January 2021
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Today, a little 60's jargon for us oldtimers. Not quite as annoying as the previous scenarios. Other than that, they're still shrunk. So, with a little luck, maybe Plank will be a good guy and use whatever device he has with him that will restore them to normal size, and we'll be on to....
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 53-56
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On today's Alley Oaf - 27 January 2021
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So, it appears that this is the way that the 3 stooges get brought back to lifesize. And heaven forbid it Oaf becomes the brains of this outfit, although they all appear to be about the same level of stupidity. And we get Plank throwing in some metaphysical BS for good measure.
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 49-52
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Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 45-48
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On today's Alley Oaf - 25 January 2021
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These reviews are getting easier to write because the strip has become all just the same ridiculous scenario every day, with a bunch of lazy non sequiturs thrown in, masquerading as jokes. What was Doc thinking anyway, trying to go home with an 8th dimension showing? How crass! Didn't his mother tell him about that?🙄 How about getting them back to full size and trying some other angle? Joey's just phoning it in now, taking a paycheck. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, she shows how wrong we were. Please kill this strip and put us all out of our misery.🥴
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 41-44
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On today's Little Oaf - 24 January 2021
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Oh boy! So somehow Little Oaf has soaked up all kinds of modern day programs and culture, with a Star Wars reference, a Billy Joel reference and a Mission Impossible-like reference. Having said that, I am afraid that I have to say that this is actually better than the week day nonsense. In light of that, I suggest they just drop the weekday stuff and just offer the once a week Little Oaf. Then run the classic Oop, starting from the first strip they have and repeat daily. Of course there's not a chance in hell that they would do that, but a guy can dream, can't he? 🤷♂️ 🤓
Archives Update - January 24, 2020
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Uncle $crooge
1939: 118 of 312 (+0) – 2 complete months 1946: 199 of 313 (+0) – 3 complete months 1947: 125 of 313 (+0) – 0 complete months 1948: 30 of 314 (+0) – 1 complete month 1949: 287 of 313 (+1) – 8 complete months 1954: 246 of 313 (+0) – 6 complete months 1956: 313 of 313 (+0) – 12 complete months 1963: 54 of 313 (+0) – 1 complete month 1968: 138 of 314 (+0) – 2 complete months 1969: 227 of 312 (+0) – 4 complete months 1970: 297 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1971: 218 of 313: (+0) – 5 complete months 1972: 287 of 313 (+0) – 6 complete months Only one strip added this week from July 1949 but at least that month is now complete. To show how strange the archival process has been, it is the first July 1949 strip added since July 2020 There are now 2,539 strips in the archive, spread over 13 years from Hamlin’s 40-year tenure on the strip. That pushes the Archive to 62.40% of the strips produced during those 13 years.
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 37-40
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On today's Alley Oaf - 23 January 2021
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Yes Oaf, go back into the hot tub and keep your face underwater for a half hour or so. Then you'll be as braindead as the rest of this strip has become. Hey Plank, are there any stories in that box? This one flatlined a few weeks back. This latest misadventure actually has me looking forward to the next Little Oaf nonsense. It's a damn shame that this has become so boring, silly, lame, and execrable that even the dumbass Sunday strip looks good by comparison. Sayers is running this into the ground. It's getting hard to say anything even neutral about this crap. The sad part is finding that there are a few comments on Rabbits that show there are actually a few people that find this strip funny. 😱🤢
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 33-36
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Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 29-32
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On today's Alley Oaf - 21 January 2021
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So, today we get some manner of a crossover comic. That's actually not too bad, considering how this has been going. Probably the best day since this NuOop started. Actually *slightly* humorous. Probably just a one off and we'll return to the silly ass nonsense tomorrow unfortunately however. Apparently Doc had a full beard, even at an early age? So, while they are Little Oaf's age, they are at least full size. Having Penelope show up and says that Little Oaf was supposed to be riding his bike puts an interesting twist in there. So, is there the other Little Oaf actually out riding his bike and will he show up, causing even more confusion? In the hands of a talented writer it could be an interesting twist. Not likely with this one however, sadly. 😩 Perhaps that's going to be the way they get back from quantum size to full size. Of course there's that bug that makes them full size, but maybe 6 or so years old. Release 2.0 of Plank's Dimension Traveler may patc...
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 25-28
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Uncle $crooge
On today's Alley Oaf - 20 January 2021
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So Doc impresses Plank with his time travel but Doc laments that one thing on his bucket list is to go through a Black Hole. Plank strongly warns him against that and Doc asks if it's the usual reason. Then Plank of course does the usual non sequitur "joke" of the kind we have become all too familiar with about fleabag hotels. Anyone with a convenient shrink ray needs to step up and make these turkeys and this dimwitted arc shrink to whatever is smaller than this so we can move on and start a new arc with Ava and her fancy chair.
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 21-24
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Uncle $crooge
On today's Alley Oaf - 19 January 2021
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OK then, this has just gone way over the top nonsensical (as if it wasn't already). More metaphysical nonsense and of course Oaf jumps right in with more beyond the pale stupidity. I can't even imagine how this arc is going to end, it just attained a PhD (Piled higher and Deeper) in Inanity. In light of this, Little Oaf is starting to look better and better compared to this hog wallow. 🙄
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 17-20
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Uncle $crooge
On today's Alley Oaf - 18 January 2021
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Oaf settled right into the hot tub, as if he has seen one before. And Doc gets the metaphysical explanation of where they are, which is Here, There, and Everywhere. Then the obligatory "joke" about how this character took a rundown quarkdom and turned it into a hot tub paradise, made with planks. And Oaf zones out through it all. Fercrisakes, hurry up and shrink again so we can end this decidedly Unmagical Mystery Tour. Gee Whiz!!
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 13-16
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Uncle $crooge
On today's Little Oaf - 17 January 2021
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About all I can say about this is at least Little Oaf has a job so he can start paying Penelope's parents for the food he eats. 🙄 He's such a low intelligence nitwit that he can't even figure out that the dinosaurs are fake, as is likely the grass and of course the lake which would be basically a painting. And how did he get into that diorama anyway? The entrance to those is usually in the closed area behind the exhibit. So much wrong with this, but that's par for the course. Gee Whiz!!
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 9-12
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Uncle $crooge
Archives Update, January 17, 2021
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Back to no new strips posted to the archive this week. I did take the opportunity to write GC and complain - for the third time - that the 1946 strips continue to be messed up and that a viewer will get an error message if they try to open about half the strips that the Archives say are available. I also provided them with the site that has most, if not all, of the Hamlin library so we'll see if anything changes in the near future. I received the standard response that the department (!) that handles the old strips is not accessible via email but that it will be forwarded to them. I do not expect to hear from that department.
On today's Alley Oaf - 16 Jan 2021
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There's getting less and less to say about this silliness, just as our "heroes" are getting less and less in size. So a joke about quantums and Max Planck, which falls apart when this clown says he likes wooden planks and offers a dip in the hot tub, which of course makes Oaf beam with pleasure. Some questions remain, such as, since they are down to quantum level, what are the wooden planks and water made of? Of course they are made of whatever medium Lemon uses to illustrate this but that's beside the point. On to tomorrow. Quickly. 🙈
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 5-8
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Uncle $crooge
On today's Alley Oaf - 15 January 2021
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Well, they're still shrinking, but still find time for a mild barb by Doc. And find out that Oaf's heart is dangerously enlarged, which hopefully means Oaf will soon pass away, freeing us from having to read this nonsense daily. It's certainly not enlarging our laughter, except laughing at and not with the strip. Perhaps they will shrink enough that they will be just a dot on the page and be impossible for anyone to even read without a microscope. Still waiting to see how this shrinking gets resolved. Perhaps this is the way they can end the strip, just fade away. Now that would be cool.👍
Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 1-4
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On today's Alley Oaf - 14 January 2021
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Well, at least it looks like we are now on the way to atomic level. I'm still not sure what the end game is here. There's only so much smaller they can go. And of course the question is, why do they continue to shrink and how small can they go? Maybe there's some portal they will pass through and suddenly become super huge? The only interesting thing about this story is waiting to see how Joey will get herself out of the corner she has painted herself into.
Gun Law, Story #19, “The Feud”, Episode 12
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On today's Alley Oaf - 13 January 2021
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Well, OK then. Now, what I suspect this to be, if not just sheer BS, is a mnemonic to remember DNA and RNA sequences. Can't find it offhand however. What I mean by that is like when you are learning the notes of a scale the mnemonic: Every Good Boy Does Fine, EABDF. For those non musicians here, those are the notes on the lines in the treble clef of notated music, and is used to help people remember them. And another one for the notes between the lines: Of course it may just be another nonsensical bunch of panels as usual, but I suspect that our hapless team is going for something like that
Gun Law, Story #19, “The Feud”, Episode 11
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On today's Alley Oaf - 12 January 2021
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Good Lord! This has become a daily "can you top this" strip as far as insipidly idiotic dialogue. Horribly unfunny non gags, making absolutely no sense, not even in a gag-a-panel sense, much less gag-a-day strip. We can only hope that whatever this filthy medium they are swimming in gets cleaned up by the cleaning crew, using full strength disinfectant. E Coli indeed!! This whole miserable mess needs to go away and the whole strip needs to be rethought, or just ended. Alley Oop died when the Benders retired and this zombie horror that reanimated not long after that more resembles the Night Of The Living Dead. Simply disgusting!!!🤢🤮
Gun Law, Story #19, “The Feud”, Episode 10
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Gun Law, Story #19, “The Feud”, Episode 9
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On today's Little Oaf - 10 January 2021
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More nonsense. Getting lamer by the week. So Little Oaf gets an idea for an invention after he wore mittens while skiing. I guess if you figure that he's from the caveman days and only wears furry shorts, no shirt or shoes, that this actually is a clever invention for him. Of course since he doesn't wear shoes anyway, why would he need foot and ankle mittens anyway? Then there's the silliness about how he researched them, taking measurements, doing calculations, experimenting with fabrics, thread, textures and colours. Huh? This little twit must have been a fast learner in whatever classes he attended at Penelope's school. I suggest dumping this crap and just do a continuation of the week's "story" with Oaf, Foola and Doc. Since this is likely aimed at "younger" readers anyway, the week (weak?) stories could just plod along on Sundays and only be 1% less dumb than this Little Oaf crap.
Archives Update - January 10, 2021
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Uncle $crooge
1939: 118 of 312 (+0) – 2 complete months 1946: 199 of 313 (+0) – 3 complete months 1947: 125 of 313 (+0) – 0 complete months 1948: 30 of 314 (+0) – 1 complete month 1949: 286 of 313 (+0) – 7 complete months 1954: 246 of 313 (+0) – 6 complete months 1956: 313 of 313 (+0) – 12 complete months 1963: 54 of 313 (+0) – 1 complete month 1968: 138 of 314 (+0) – 2 complete months 1969: 227 of 312 (+0) – 4 complete months 1970: 297 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1971: 218 of 313: (+1) – 5 complete months 1972: 287 of 313 (+0) – 6 complete months Just one strip from 1971 were added this week. There are now 2,538 strips in the archive, spread over 13 years from Hamlin’s 40-year tenure on the strip. That pushes the Archive to 62.37% of the strips produced during those 13 years.
Gun Law, Story #19, “The Feud”, Episode 8
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On today's Alley Oaf - 9 January 2021
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Probably the dumbest strip yet. Not a lot to say about this. Not a joke in sight, not even a bad one. I guess the jokes have been reduced to subatomic size, now, if only the rest of these idiots shrunk to where they are undetectable also, then maybe the strip could reboot with a whole new creative team that knows how to write a decent version of Alley Oop, not this Oafish BS!! Here's an idea, why not start with the Bonnet-Brown stuff, from the beginning? Then, just do one a day, in historical order. If they can't do the Bonnet-Brown stuff, start with the first Hamlin strip and go from there. They wouldn't even need to pay for a writer and artist, just use clean copies from their archives. A win-win for everyone. 👍
Gun Law, Story #19, “The Feud”, Episode 7
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On today's Alley Oaf - 8 January 2021
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Well, this looks good. It appears that they are shrinking even more, for some reason. We may get our wish after all.🤞 Oaf of course has to come up with some idiocy. Doc tells the bacteria that they don't eat, they photosynthesize, so the bacteria won't infect them. Um Doc, that thing is damn near as big as you at this point, not a lot of ways that it could get into your stomach now. 🙄 Wake me up when they get to subatomic size. Zzzzzzzz 😴
Gun Law, Story #19, “The Feud”, Episode 6
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On today's Alley Oaf - 7 January 2021
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Well, still no lab coats, but perhaps that's because the paramecium is not an inventor? However he compliments them for not staring at his (it's?) cytoproct, which is the equivalent of it's anus. Not sure if that's a big thing in the microscopic world, perhaps it's because it suspects people using microscopes are checking it out and ogling it? Foola asks where they should look for it at so the paramecium helpfully puts on a fake Groucho Marx nose and glasses (yuk, yuk, big laugh) so they know which end is which. Perhaps Foola has an interest in becoming a cytoproctologist? 🙄
Gun Law, Story #19, “The Feud”, Episode 5
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On today's Alley Oaf 6 January 2021
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So now we see that they are the size realm of a paramecium, which are .002 to .013 inch in size . That would make Doc and the stooges about 5 times that size, meaning they are still microscopic in size, almost invisible to the naked eye. That's getting really small, but they really need to get even smaller, to subatomic size, so we would be done with them forever. Crossing my fingers. 🤞 So, it will be interesting how this resolves. Maybe the strip will dry up and blow away when whatever this moisture is dries up.
Gun Law, Story #18, “The Feud”, Episode 4
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On today's Alley Oaf - 5 January 2021
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Well, that's a fine howdy-do. So we now find that Doc has Oaf dump his garbage in a local lake. What a guy! Who knew Doc was such a nasty polluter? But in a case of schadenfreude, now the 3 stooges are swimming in the refuse. It's even better since Oaf was told to dump the garbage in a neighboring lake, but Oaf being Oaf instead dumped it in Doc's water supply. What goes around comes around. 🤮🥴😂
Gun Law, Story #18, “The Feud”, Episode 3
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On today's Alley Oaf - 4 January 2021
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OK now! So our wishes are on their way to coming true, as it looks as if they have shrunken so much that just the moisture on the floor is like a lake or some such. Now if only they keep shrinking to sub atomic size. A nice callback to the ancient Earth adventure with the breathing devices they swallowed back then. Apparently they still work at least. But of course Oaf has to be his Oafish self and finds a convenient hot dog cart, operated by a possible tardigrade. Oaf even has a hotdog in his hand. If that is in fact a tardigrade, they have shrunken a whole lot. Next stop subatomic. Of course, whatever this creature is may not be a tardigrade but something larger, perhaps a louse that feeds on mouse blood? Rather hard to tell, even enlarged. I guess we may or may not find out soon.
Gun Law, Story #18, “The Feud”, Episode 2
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On today's Little Oaf - 3 December 2021
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Well, this one was one of the laziest ones yet. So, Little Oaf at least can wear modern clothes without itching and going crazy. But wait, where did he get all the heavy weather gear? Who bought it for him? And of course he's never seen snow before. Just how cold it would be would freak him out. Then going downhill with eyes closed he expertly slaloms between the trees and even does an expert flip. Opening his eyes at the bottom, he wonders where Penelope is and figures she she went down without him. How would he know since he had his eyes closed all the way down and was visualizing that he was one with the mountain? He apparently thinks that it was all in his mind as he visualized it, and he is still at the top of the mountain. Apparently his cave kid survival instincts are gone and he doesn't even notice that he's at the bottom of the hill with the ski lift next to him, a completely different scene than when he closed his eyes. Words fail me. 🥱
Gun Law, Story #18, “The Feud”, Episode 1
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Uncle $crooge
Archives Update - January 3, 2021
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1939: 118 of 312 (+0) – 2 complete months 1946: 199 of 313 (+0) – 3 complete months 1947: 125 of 313 (+2) – 0 complete months 1948: 30 of 314 (+0) – 1 complete month 1949: 286 of 313 (+0) – 7 complete months 1954: 246 of 313 (+0) – 6 complete months 1956: 313 of 313 (+0) – 12 complete months 1963: 54 of 313 (+0) – 1 complete month 1968: 138 of 314 (+0) – 2 complete months 1969: 227 of 312 (+0) – 4 complete months 1970: 297 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1971: 216 of 313: (+0) – 5 complete months 1972: 287 of 313 (+0) – 6 complete months Two 1947 strips were added this week so I guess Buster is back from vacation. There are now 2,537 strips in the archive, spread over 13 years from Hamlin’s 40-year tenure on the strip. That pushes the Archive to 62.35% of the strips produced during those 13 years.
On today's Alley Oaf - 2 January 2021
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Appears there is some sort of action going on here. Hard to tell if it is making them large or smaller still. I'll be on the edge of my chair now until tomorrow, anticipating the answer to that. With any luck they are going smaller still and will soon be battling dust mites. And perhaps on the way smaller until they are smaller than an atom and get hit by an electron. And put us all out of our misery of trying to follow this nonsense, having been raised on Hamlin, Graue and the Benders even. However, to quote some recent comments: "Anything can happen in the Crappy world of Joey... Meh. It's just a shitty comic after all, why would we expect anything different?" I submit that this whole mess is straight up inane, which is defined as: 1: lacking significance, meaning, or point : silly inane comments 2: empty, insubstantial And for us to read and follow it is basically inanity. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, "Inanity is reading the same inane comic strip over and o...
On today's Alley Oaf - 1 January 2021
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OK, well it's consistent, even as we go into 2021. Doc continues with the simpleton nonsense. Such a simple answer to reverse engineer the shrinking ray, just spell it in reverse! Genius! Why didn't I think of that? 🙄 Oaf of course doesn't get it and of course we don't either. Foola gets it and realizes it's just Doc spouting gobbleygook. So we wait impatiently for the next installment to see how even more ridiculous it gets. It will be interesting to see just how the 3 stooges do get back to normal size. Of course the best and most hilarious action would be that they get back to full size while still inside the walls of the time lab. I doubt that will happen though as that would actually be funny, which is apparently against the ground rules for this sad strip.
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