Little Oop goes to school on today's Sunday Oop - 12 April 2020 - BRICKS!

BRICKS! Beautiful Bricks! And now, it's time for brickbats!

Today's installment of Little Oop is incredibly inane, and here's why :

Little Penelope just took Little Oop to her school. Wow. I guess there's no guards or security personnel at the gates who stopped the weird looking kid wearing only furry shorts. If they were, I guess they didn't bother to check his i.d. too. And she even says that he'll fit right in. Wow. I guess just anyone can just walk into a school without enrolling in it first and paying the fees etc., right?

A strange-looking kid wearing only furry shorts just walks into that school and nobody even bats an eye? Huh? I guess it's commonplace when a half-naked kid wearing only furry shorts just walks into a school. Nobody's even looking at him and wondering here, and they're not even busy on their phones to not notice. It's just like nobody in the ancient Egypt noticed when three people just suddenly appeared outta nowhere in the middle of a busy market, recently in the daily comic.

And here, nobody, not one student, not one teacher, not one security personnel, not one janitor, nobody even cares that a little boy who is not wearing anything except furry shorts, has entered their school and is walking around in full sight. He's not even hiding. Is he invisible to everyone else expect for Penelope and her mom?

And he's not even wearing his Canadian cap here. So the purpose of that cap last week was only for a gag, a gag which I still don't understand.

And BRICKS! Sweet loving BRICKS! The rectangles of the gods! This strip is sooo Funky today. Did Mr. Tom guest-write it? We may never know.

Again, how is Little Oop just walking around so openly without drawing any attention? This is so ridiculous. Also, what is he going to do, hide in the janitor's closet while Penelope attends her classes? Going by what we saw so far, he's probably going to sit next to her right inside the classroom and nobody would even care that a strange new half-naked kid has joined them.

Photo by Inga Seliverstova from Pexels


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