Little Oop has a clothes allergy - On Sunday Little Oop - 05 April 2020

Sunday Little Oop installments are as much absurd as the daily ones, if not more. And today's installment appears absurder to me.
In the first panel, Penelope the child scientist (who has a secret lab in her mom's basement) tells to Little Oop "...don't let my mom see you". So how many days she's fooling her dimwitted mom saying that Little Oop is just a Papier-mâché specimen? (See Alley Oop Sunday dated 15 March, 2020). Since her mom's so dumb, I guess this little super child genius girl gets all her brain genes from her dad (who isn't ever mentioned in the comic till date), which is surprising because most males are childlike morons in the dailies. But her poor brother Edwin probably got his brain genes from the mother because he'll probably never realise that she stole his clothes and gave them to Little Oop.
And yeah, after pla... er.. being inspired from the Flintstones (see Little Oop before this new little time travel story began), now they're taking inspiration from Dexter's laboratory. Super genius kid who invented a handheld time machine in her mom's basment. Indeed. And it took years of research for Hamlin's Dr. Wonmug to build a time machine in his laboratory, and he faced a lot of challenges and troubles in running and maintaining it too, both financial troubles and other sort of troubles. Somehow the new creators don't realise what Hamlin did - that inventing something as complicated as a time machine is not as simple as a school kid's science project done in their parent's basement.
And Little Oop is probably allergic to clothes, apart from his furry shorts. Either Edwin's clothes are polyester and Little Oop has got a polyester allergy or something or he's got some sort of a fabric allergy. Either that or there are tiny ants or a whole lot of bacteria and fungi living in those clothes (and hat too). I don't see any reason why they have to itch otherwise. So, what was the point here anyways? That Oop has a fabric allergy or that there's bacteria and fungus all over her brother's clothes? Just another thing that adds to the list of things that make no sense whatsoever in this new Oop strip.

A scene from today's Little Oop - Alley Oop Sundays - 05 April 2020 | What's this got to do with Canadians? I don't understand.
And what's Penelope's point in the penultimate panel of today's pointless poppycock? What's not wanting to wear clothes got anything to do with Canadians? They don't like to wear clothes? I just don't get it. Do you?
P.S : I know that she's handing over a red cap with a white maple leaf picture on it to him, which is a Canadian symbol, but what's the point here with that? What does wearing a Canadian cap got to do with him refusing to wear modern clothes? Is there no end to the asinine absurdities in this comic? Or is there some point or a gag here that I don't understand?
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