On today's Little Oop - 13 September 13 2020

GO Comics has a lot of kid-centric comic strips. Always popular, readers can daily view the antics of "One Big Happy", "Heart", "Big Nate", "Grand Avenue" or revel in the classic reruns of "Peanuts", "Cul de Sac", and"Calvin and Hobbes." Syndicate boss John Glynn thought we needed yet another kid's strip and the creative Lemsay team delivered "Little Alley Oop" with the antics of a really, tiny middle schooler, Alley Oop, growing up during the Bone Age of Moo. But the creative juices dried up quickly and Joey Sayers, never comfortable with Moovian stories of any kind, decided to shift gears by having the young Mr. Oop magically transported to the 21st Century. Initially looking like it might become a fish-out-of-water story line, it quickly devolved into a typical, middle schooler (still a really tiny one). Yeah, he wears bear shorts and likes to sleep on rocks but nobody in the modern world seems too concerned about him or where he comes from. His constant companion is an equally diminutive but genius named Penelope who can apparently invent anything except for a cure for Covid. In today's strip (https://www.gocomics.com/alley-oop/2020/09/13), we find that a young Alley likes to hang his his head out a car window just like a dog. I guess it proves that the young Alley Oop isn't any smarter than the adult Alley Oop. And, though there a lot of kid strips out there, this surely ranks at the bottom.


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