The hippy scientist on today's Alley Oop - 11 May 2020

Wonmug says in today's strip that he was an insufferable hippie in his younger days. Oh pleeease. A hippie who turned into a great scientist who invents a time machine? Suuure. Maybe the writer is reading too much of this book called How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival by David Kaiser, but I dunno if Hamlin's Wonmug was ever a hippie.
And whatever happened to that "Wonmug and Ooola are in danger and Oop has to save them" plot? Remember Copious had sent Alley Oaf on this mission to save them? Wonmug sure appears to be in grave danger. Meh. I guess the hippie wagon hit a big plot hole and they forgot everything about it. Ruh-Roh!
Now, I dunno about you Americans, but we got a particular kind of impression about hippies. Here's a hippie Bollywood song for you from the 1971 movie called Haré Krishnā Haré Rām. Imagine Conmug high on weed and grooving to these tunes.
And as per the current canon of Alley Oaf, I wouldn't be surprised if we see that Wonmug.. er.. Conmug was inspired to build a time machine under the influence of intoxicating substances. Yeesh!
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