Ten days to ten minutes on today's Alley Oop - 12 May 2020

The ignominious idiocy continues in today's installment of Alley Oaf. Alley gets Wonmug back to Copious creep and the creep tells him that it took him ten hours to get Wonmug. So, Alley Oaf just ZINNNGs back in time and returns in ten minutes. And then, Copious creep congratulates Alley for finding Wonmug in ten minutes. I dunno what this nincompoopy nonsense was supposed to mean, but me thinks that this was probably supposed to be today's gag, so, ha ha?
And of course, this would put forward at least ten questions for which we wouldn't even get one tenth of an answer or an iota of explanation either from the esteemed writer-artist duo. The main question would be that if Alley Oaf was smart enough to zinng back in time and return in ten minutes instead of ten hours, then what is stopping him to go back in time before Wonmug and Ooola were ..um.. er.. before they were "put in danger" by Copious by probably abducting them and taking away their time cubes and sent back in time for Alley to find them and save them? I mean why didn't he zinnng back in time and warn Wonmug and Ooola before Copious creep took away their time cubes or even stopped Copious creep or his henchmen before they could even get to Wonmug and Ooola to put them in "danger"?
And not to mention that Alley was supposed to save Wonmug and Ooola from danger, which the writer-artist duo has apparently completely forgotten. And what was the purpose of this "saving Wonmug from a Beetles concert" anyway? And what's the purpose of this silly sitcomic in the first place? There is zero adventure, zero meaning, zero sense, and zero fun in this utterly unfunny utter undoing of Alley Oop.
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