Setting another low bar, on today's Alley Oop - 07 May 2020

I guess today's strip was all about a goofy Granola bar gag. Can we say this is setting a new low bar for this already beneath the ground surface nonsense?
So, Alley Oaf's mission is to find Dr. Wonmug who is at one of the many Beetles concerts. And Ooola is somewhere at.. at some other point of time. Is there any meaning to these meaningless tasks? It is essentially evident that these so called tasks and the so called time travel adventures that Alley Oaf is forced to do by the Copious creep are nothing but lame excuses to make some lame gags based on some references to things such as The Beetles and other things. What was such an entertaining adventure comic is now reduced to crapola granola gags.
And not to mention that Alley Oop himself has been reduced to Alley Oaf. Yeah, that's a new label now for this reeky ridiculousyness™. Not only Alley Oaf was referred to as "the dimwitted one" on more than one occasion (as I'm short of time, at this moment I'm unable to provide exact dates when that happened in the strip), but he's consistently acting like one too. So I am left with no other choice than to call this ignominious impostor as Alley Oaf.
And maybe we should call these retconned Wonmug and Ooola as Conmug and Foola or something. What'dya say, folks?
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