
Showing posts from January, 2022

Jeff Hawke, Story #11, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 69- 72, (1322-1325), 06/26/1958- 06/30/1958


Gun Law, Story #23, “Haunted Valley”, Episodes 29 –32, (1370-1373), 03/21/1962- 03/24/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #11, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 65- 68, (1318-1321), 06/22/1958- 06/25/1958


Gun Law, Story #23, “Haunted Valley”, Episodes 25 – 28, (1366-1369), 03/16/1962- 03/20/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #11, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 61- 64, (1314-1317), 06/17/1958- 06/20/1958


Gun Law, Story #23, “Haunted Valley”, Episodes 21 – 24, (1362-1365), 03/12/1962- 03/15/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #11, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 57- 60, (1310-1313), 06/12/1958- 06/16/1958


Gun Law, Story #23, “Haunted Valley”, Episodes 17 – 20, (1358-1361), 03/07/1962- 03/10/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #11, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 53- 56, (1306-1309), 06/08/1958- 06/11/1958


Gun Law, Story #23, “Haunted Valley”, Episodes 13 – 16, (1354-1357), 03/02/1962- 03/06/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 49- 52, (1302-1305), 06/03/1958- 06/06/1958


Gun Law, Story #23, “Haunted Valley”, Episodes 9 – 12, (1350-1353), 02/26/1962- 03/01/1962


On Today's Alley Oop, 25 January 2022

 Where are we exactly in this tangled mess of a story? To recap briefly, the atmosphere was destroyed or the oxygen in the atmosphere was removed, or something bad happened so that 95% of the earth's population died. But fortunately Doc had a backup time-lab (can you say " deus machina ") that apparently was safe because, you know, if the atmosphere is destroyed it won't affect you if you're in a secured building. Sort of like if the elevator car snaps on the 32nd floor and falls, you can save yourself by jumping right before the car smashes into the ground. Once again, Joey's grasp of science makes 1950s DC Comics look like they were articles written for Scientific American. Wonmug magically determines that whatever the problem is with the air started in 1980 with an air purifying machine that was built in 1800 started to fail which led to the problem in 2022. (I got a headache just writing that sentence). So the not-so-intrepid-trio head off to the Rocky Mou

Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 45- 48, (1299-1301), 05/29/1958- 06/02/1958


Gun Law, Story #23, “Haunted Valley”, Episodes 5 - 8, (1346-1349), 02/21/1962- 02/24/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 41- 44, (1294-1297), 05/25/1958- 05/28/1958


Gun Law, Story #23, “Haunted Valley”, Episodes 1 - 4, (1342-1345), 02/16/1962- 02/20/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 37- 40, (1290-1293), 05/20/1958- 05/24/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 33 –36, (1336-1339), 02/09/1962- 02/13/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 33- 36, (1286-1289), 05/15/1958- 05/19/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 28 –32, (1332-1335), 02/01/1962- 02/05/1962


Alley Oop, Book 1

Yesterday I received the first book in the new Alley Oop reprint series titled "Book One - Dinny". It prints the first version of the strip that was syndicated by Bonnet-Brown Syndicate and ran for 20 weeks, 120 strips, from December 5, 1932 to April 24, 1933. That syndicate folded but fortunately the much bigger NEA syndicate picked it up and the rest is history. The first NEA strip is dated August 7, 1933 and Hamlin begins the story over with a slightly different slant, much like "Pogo" had two  different starts with its first syndicate folding and Walt Kelly starting over.  The reproduction is top notch and there had to been a lot of effort on the BB strips but they are crystal clear. A very good start to this series but I have a few quibbles; 1) the first volume is only 104 pages and that includes the title page, contents page and house ad. If you buy the first six books at $85, you can get the price down to $14 / book which is sort of okay. Personally, I would

Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 29- 32, (1282-1285), 05/11/1958- 05/14/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 25 – 28, (1328-1331), 01/28/1962- 01/31/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 25- 28, (1278-1281), 05/06/1958- 05/09/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 21 – 24, (1324-1327), 01/23/1962- 01/27/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 21- 24, (1274-1277), 04/30/1958- 05/04/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 17 – 20, (1320-1323), 01/18/1962- 01/22/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 17- 20, (1270-1273), 04/26/1958- 04/29/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 13 – 16, (1316-1319), 01/14/1962- 01/17/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 10- 16, (1266-1269), 04/21/1958- 04/24/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 9 – 12, (1312-1315), 01/09/1962- 01/13/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 9 - 12, (1262-1265), 04/16/1958- 04/19/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 5 – 8, (1308-1311), 01/04/1962- 01/08/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 5 - 8, (1258-1261), 04/11/1958- 04/15/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Hepner Family”, Episodes 1 – 4, (1304-1307), 12/31/1961- 01/03/1962


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “The Dream Pedlars”, Episodes 1 - 4, (1254-1257), 04/07/1958- 04/10/1958


Gun Law, Story #22, “The Brothers Grimm”, Episodes 17 – 19 (1301-1303), 12/28/1961- 12/30/1961


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “Out of Touch”, Episodes 153 – 155, (1251-1253), 03/31/1958- 04/02/1958


Gun Law, Story #21, “The Brothers Grimm”, Episodes 13 – 16 (1297-1300), 12/23/1961- 12/27/1961


Today's Alley Oop - 13 January 2022

 Today's strip is about as stupid as it gets. Alley explains to Ollie that Allen destroyed Universe 2's atmosphere and killed off "almost everyone on earth". News flash for Joey - destroy the atmosphere and <i>everything</i> living dies, not just most people. A person's lungs would explode in a few seconds so they would never have been able to have made it to the safety lab way back when. But, wait just a minute. Back on December 1, Doc said that oxygen has been removed from the atmosphere, which isn't good either but is an entirely different problem. In either event, though, the Three Stooges should be dead and we should never have met Allen. So what was it, Joey - was the oxygen in the atmosphere destroyed or was it the atmosphere? Inquiring minds want to know if for no other reason than to have a good laugh. Today's nonsense: December 1 nonsense:

Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “Out of Touch”, Episodes 149 – 152, (1247-1250), 03/27/1958- 03/30/1958


Gun Law, Story #21, “The Brothers Grimm”, Episodes 9 – 12 (1293-1296), 12/19/1961- 12/22/1961


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “Out of Touch”, Episodes 145 – 148, (1243-1246), 03/22/1958- 03/26/1958


Gun Law, Story #21, “The Brothers Grimm”, Episodes 5 – 8 (1289-1292), 12/14/1961- 12/17/1961


Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “Out of Touch”, Episodes 141 – 144, (1239-1242), 03/18/1958- 03/21/1958


Gun Law, Story #21, “The Brothers Grimm”, Episodes 1 – 4 (1285-1288), 12/09/1961- 12/13/1961


On Today's Alley Oop - 10 January 2022

January 7 marked the third anniversary of Lemon and Sayers takeover of this once great comic strip. Since nothing happened, we can only assume that they are good to go for another year. Ouch. Mark Thomas has been posting the links to the strips twenty years ago which is just finishing up the first story solely produced by the Benders. At that point, it was the worst "Alley Oop" story ever but the Benders would follow that with another 17 years of nonsensical garbage that continuously set new lows. And yet, somehow, the Lemsay team has surpassed even the Benders in banality. What has the new team brought to the strip in their short tenure? We've seen the unnecessary introduction of multiple  universes, each with a "theme" meant to amuse but ultimately that attempt fails because they just don't make sense. How could a a universe made up entirely of villains, or butlers, or puppies, or whatever, sustain itself? As a plot point, it's just a big yawn. Then th

Jeff Hawke, Story #10, “Out of Touch”, Episodes 137 – 140, (1235-1238), 03/13/1958- 03/16/1958


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