Today Doc has figured out how to drive the bubble. He simply pushes a button on a two-button remote control and says where he wants to go. Except if you look back at the 8/9 strip when Frodd drives the bubble, he isn't holding a device of any kind and he doesn't tell the bubble where to go. If Joey planned enough in advance, she should have planted the idea of how the bubble moves through vast amounts of space so that today's strip made some sense. That is what makes continuity in a comic strip, connecting the daily strips so that the action follows in a logical manner rather than existing as a bunch of random events aided by deus ex machina after deus ex machina . And Joey, having Wonmug tell the bubble to take them to the moon is so much nonsense. There are over 200 moons in our solar system alone. How would any spacecraft know which moon to go to out of the thousands, if not millions, of moons in the vast universe. Today's trip to nowhere: