On Today's Alley Oop - 29 June 2021
How do you describe today's strip? "Beyond dumb" is the first thing that comes to mind. First, we find that the NASA budget has been cut so badly that the door signs are cheap, hand-written signs on paper ala "Funky Winkerbean". Doc explains that they will have to complete rigorous training before they go to the moon even though a few days ago, he said that he had inventions that could withstand the crushing gravity of Jupiter as well as the noxious gases. If they have all of these magical devices, why do they need any kind of training at all? Alley finds a door with such a sign that says "Fake Moon" and assumes that the moon landing was fake. That, even though he has been to the moon twice before. It's another one of those gags that depends upon subversion of the real world because there isn't any way that the sign on a real NASA door would say "Fake Moon:. Of course, trying in vain yet again for "zany", Joey raises the ante with an even more preposterous sign, "Fake Jupiter" with an even more outrageous notation that NASA is keeping it a secret that the planet isn't real. No matter that Babylonian astronomers had observed the planet several hundred years before Christ, that Galileo observed it with a telescope in 1610, and that we have sent spacecraft to Jupiter. Heck, I remember one of my brothers showing me it through his telescope when I was a kid. Good gravy, today's strip is just awful.
Today's Fake Alley Oop strip: https://www.gocomics.com/alley-oop/2021/06/29
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