
Showing posts from February, 2021

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 85-88


On today's Little Oaf - 28 Feb 2021

 Well now! This, if done well, could be interesting. Likely however that it's just a one off for today.🤞

Archives Update, February 28, 2021

  1939: 118 of 312 (+0) – 2 complete months 1946: 199 of 313 (+0) – 3 complete months 1947: 127 of 313 (+1) – 1 complete months 1948: 30 of 314 (+0) – 1 complete month 1949: 287 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1954: 247 of 313 (+0) – 7 complete months 1956: 313 of 313 (+0) – 12 complete months 1963: 54 of 313 (+0) – 1 complete month 1968: 138 of 314 (+0) – 2 complete months 1969: 227 of 312 (+0) – 4 complete months 1970: 297 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1971: 218 of 313: (+0) – 5 complete months 1972: 288 of 313 (+0) – 6 complete months One strip added this week. There are now 2,543 strips in the archive, spread over 13 years from Hamlin’s 40-year tenure on the strip. That pushes the Archive to 62.50% of the strips produced during those 13 years.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 81-84


On today's Alley Oaf - 27 February 2021

  So today's strip is about how out of touch older wealthy people are? Calling all kinds of brainiacs to help her find her misplaced keys? And of course with his caveman instincts and sense of smell, Oaf easily tracks them down in a dresser drawer. There's some kind of point being made here, however it's not important enough to even think about.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 77-80


On today's Alley Oaf - 26 February 2021

More listless "storytelling".  The invitation supposedly invited all 3, but now the hostess makes it known that there is an uninvited "plus two". Great writing. 😱

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 73-76


On today's Alley Oaf - 25 February 2021

  Well now, this has gone dumb and dumber. A "joke" that falls flat. WTF is Oaf talking about? Getting more painful by the day. 🤢

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 69-72


On today's Alley Oaf - 24 February 2021

 Here we go again with the unionized "can we have a raise" nonsense again! Gee whiz, give it a rest already!! And Doc, the time traveling grifter, using his knowledge of future events to pull cons on all kinds of unsuspecting marks, ripping people off, soon becomes the richest man in the world.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 65-68


On today's Alley Oaf - 23 February 2021

 Man! Talk about lazy! This bland strip today is a mere trifle. It almost appears that Joey is getting bored with writing this bilge and in just dashing off the daily strip in less than 60 seconds to be done with it. Maybe she's getting ready to move on? We can only hope.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 61-64


On Today's Alley Oop, 22 February 2021

Today's main joke in Alley Oop ( is that Alley Oop is dumb as a caveman. Never mind that Joey has used variations of this joke a few hundred times since she took over the writing of this strip a couple of years ago. I guess if that is your best, you go with it as often as you can because folks sure like reading comics about dumb people more than heroic people, otherwise there wouldn't be so many strips with so many dumb characters (almost exclusively men if you hadn't noticed). We find out that not only Doc but Ooola and Oop have been invited to a "Gathering of Geniuses". Must be a club for those who can't get into Mensa. So far it sounds like a story about as dull as the two-week trip to Moo but maybe the cat or the rat or the tortoise or the ant will show up. Plenty of comic gold with those guys.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 57-60


On today's Little Oaf - 20 February 2021

 Just a trifle today, a well known joke. Less offensive than other Sundays at least.

Archives Update, February 21, 2021

  1939: 118 of 312 (+0) – 2 complete months 1946: 199 of 313 (+0) – 3 complete months 1947: 126 of 313 (+1) – 1 complete months 1948: 30 of 314 (+0) – 1 complete month 1949: 287 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1954: 247 of 313 (+0) – 7 complete months 1956: 313 of 313 (+0) – 12 complete months 1963: 54 of 313 (+0) – 1 complete month 1968: 138 of 314 (+0) – 2 complete months 1969: 227 of 312 (+0) – 4 complete months 1970: 297 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1971: 218 of 313: (+0) – 5 complete months 1972: 288 of 313 (+1) – 6 complete months After two weeks of no activity, two strips added this week. There are now 2,542 strips in the archive, spread over 13 years from Hamlin’s 40-year tenure on the strip. That pushes the Archive to 62.47% of the strips produced during those 13 years.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 53-56


Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 49-52


On today's Alley Oaf - 19 February 2021

 It appears that when Doc plays the tones that unlock the secrets of the universe it triggers some primordial BS in Oaf who then can recite it from memory or something. Meanwhile, dimwit Doc is focusing on the tones as being the musical or some such answer. All of a sudden, Oaf is now the one with the brains. The 3 tones thing reminds me of some SciFi movie that I can't recall the name of offhand.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 45-48


On today's Alley Oaf - 18 February 2021

 Well, we're back to the present after the sojourn back to Moo. So  much for that. 🙄 So now Doc wants to explain a new theories of the universe, as if Oaf and Foola would even begin to understand. Oaf then reverts to the primitive caveman he is and suggests destroying any info that may challenge his dim view of science. Can't help thinking that there is comment about modern times in here somewhere. 😧

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 41-44


On today's Alley Oaf - 17 February 2021

  Another day of wasted time. Just a mild complaint about the producer/consumer give and take,  re: prices fair to both sides. A bit too weighty for this simpleton script.  On to tomorrow.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 37-40


Today's Alley Oop - 16 February 2021

 It looks like this about wrap's up the cult story in Moo, which is beginning to look a lot like Bedrock. Bars and burger places; can the bowling alley be far behind? Hamlin's stories set in Moo often ran much longer than the typical time-travel story and they were filled with a lot of intrigue and maneuverings. Here the story simply disappears, lasting just 12 episodes. One day there is a threat that everybody in the cult is going to jump into a volcano and the next day the cult vanishes because... well, I'm not quite sure why other than the cult leader said it was a cult. Oop so much can't wait to get back to the time-lab that he doesn't even bother to attend the wedding of his new BFF, Garg. But who can blame Oop about wanting to get away from Moo? Without Guz, Foozy, Wizer or even the Lemians, it really isn't Moo, is it? A link to today's mess:

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 33-36


On today's Alley Oaf - 15 February 2021

  It now turns out that Garg is a brainless idiot much like his buddy Oaf. And if Foozy shows up, I'm sure he will be equally dimwitted. 😩

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 29-32


On today's Little Oop - 14 February 2021

So Little Oaf has picked up enough of modern times to try to set up Penelope with a date ? He seems to have really researched the bio's of the prospective dates. I guess we'll see how this goes.

Archives Update, February 14, 2021

 For the second straight week, no new strips added to the archive. The glacial pace of the update has completely stopped.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 25-28


Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 21-24


On today's Alley Oaf - 12 February 2021

  Today Oaf decides to check out how it is to be a cult leader, and how easily the followers sign on. Interesting since the leader took off with some other followers, so who are these easily fooled folks? Can't help but think we are seeing some modern day political commentary here also.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 17-20


On today's Alley Oaf - 11 February 2021

OK, so far so good on this arc, maybe do a bit of satire, guess time will tell.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 13-16


Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 9-12


On today's Alley Oaf - 8 February 2021

 OK, this one is actually mildly funny. Or else my standards have been lowered. 🙄  Looks like something the Benders at least would have tried. In the realm of Lemon/Say, that's saying something. 🙂 It's a damn shame it's come to this

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 5-8


On today's Alley Oaf - 8 February 2021

I'm not too sure what to make of this. Apparently some cult, like a Moovian Scientology, perhaps they'll have an L. Ron Oaf as the founder or some such. Also can't figure out what's going on with Oaf's facial expression in the last panel. Just about the silliest of any of Oaf's goofy expressions.

Gun Law, Story #69, “This Land Is Mine”, Episodes 1-4


On today's Little Oaf - 7 February 2021

  OK then, Little Oaf can now wear 21st Century clothes. And Penelope comes up with a cool device that allows people to be virtually clothed.  And in a surprise ending(meaning that this is probably the best of all of the Little Oaf's so far), a bug has caused her device to fail spectacularly which makes all of the current era's kids suddenly becoming virtual cave kids. Not bad. Perhaps Joey is getting the hang of what Little Oaf should be, considering her limited abilities. I vote for her to continue on Little Oaf exclusively and GC to find another writer for the weekday strip who can cleave more closely to the spirit of Hamlin and not Hanna/Barbera.

Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 93-97


Archive Update, February 7, 2021

  1939: 118 of 312 (+0) – 2 complete months 1946: 199 of 313 (+0) – 3 complete months 1947: 125 of 313 (+0) – 0 complete months 1948: 30 of 314 (+0) – 1 complete month 1949: 287 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1954: 247 of 313 (+1) – 7 complete months 1956: 313 of 313 (+0) – 12 complete months 1963: 54 of 313 (+0) – 1 complete month 1968: 138 of 314 (+0) – 2 complete months 1969: 227 of 312 (+0) – 4 complete months 1970: 297 of 313 (+0) – 8 complete months 1971: 218 of 313: (+0) – 5 complete months 1972: 287 of 313 (+0) – 6 complete months Only one strip added this week from October 1954 but at least that month is now complete. This was the first strip added to 1954 since February 2020. At that pace, it would take 26 years to complete 1954. There are now 2,540 strips in the archive, spread over 13 years from Hamlin’s 40-year tenure on the strip. That pushes the Archive to 62.42% of the strips produced during those 13 years.

On today's Alley Oaf - 6 February 2021

 Looks like we have a caveman Jim Jones in the making. Good! Could be the answer to the end of this strip. 🙂

On Today's Alley Oop - 5 February 2021

 "You'll feel one with everything" - I guess that's after he tries the "magic mushrooms". Could this be leading into a real story with real conflict? Into the third year of the Lemsay reign, everyone knows the answer to that - no frickin' way. In earlier versions of this strip, the Wizer would be royally pissed with someone usurping his role as Moo's "spiritual leader" and there would be a bit of intrigue about him reestablishing his role.  And Oop would be just as likely to help as not But nobody's seen hide nor hair of Wizer since the takeover so whether he even makes an appearance remains to be seen. Somehow it wouldn't surprise me if Quark or the Clawed Oracle or a raccoon or some other mystical creature comes in to save the day. Whatever happens, though, it will not make any sense but there will be plenty of boffo laughs for everyone. Today's strip:

Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 89-92


Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 85-88


On today's Alley Oaf - 4 Feb 2021

  Now Oaf has deteriorated to where he's a clumsy stumblebum. And Moo has really changed since he's been gone. I figure we are about to find out just how bad it has gotten.

Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 81-84


On today's Alley Oaf - 3 February 2021

 Ho Hum, another jokeless slog today. I have no idea why Joey thinks this makes sense and is funny. So, by coincidence, every guy in the cave is also getting married? Huh?

Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 77-80


On today's Alley Oaf - 2 February 2021

  So, we drop in with Garg, Oaf's Little Oaf pal. At least everyone is back to full size. Of course Little Oaf disappeared back when they were in caveschool, and now appears out of nowhere fully grown. Must have freaked Garg out, in the very least. Guess we'll see how this goes, good or ludicrous? 🙄

Gun Law, Story #68, “The Schoolma'am”, Episodes 73-76


On today's Alley Oaf - 1 February 2021

  Aaaaaand They're Back. Finally.  So Doc gives his "employees" some time off so they *ZANG!* off to somewhere, likely Moo. Interesting that the dumbass Oaf knows enough about the time travel business to take off with Foola on his own.

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