On today's Alley Oop - 6 October 2020

 Well, just when you think the strip can't get any more idiotic, Joey pulls out all the stops and takes it to a new low. I suspect a kindergartener could write something more interesting than this bilge.

None of this nonsense makes even one iota of sense. The proverbial "roomful of monkeys playing on typewriters" could have written a more entertaining comic than this trash. She desperately needs an editor, who could delete her whole storyline and tell her to go back and try again, or else take a hike. (We can only hope something like that happens....and soon).

I tell ya, I lose 3 or 4 IQ points each time I read this crap. If I start talking baby talk, you'll know why. 🤦‍♂️😠😱


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