On today's Alley Oop - 25 September 2020
The saga of the Scrawled, I mean, Clawed Oracle continues in today's strip (https://www.gocomics.com/alley-oop/2020/09/25). On Monday, the fat one spoke of the benefit of selecting a cat as his "earthly form". Today, though, he says that the lack of a thumb stymies him from solving the Einstein clone problem. Can two strips just days apart ever be so inconsistent with each other? If he is indeed an all-powerful being (a "God", I guess"), why select a body that minimizes your power? Still no explanation of the convoluted excursion to the 33rd Century other than to throw in a few unfunny Skee ball jokes. And the really bad writing can't even be redeemed by halfway interesting art which has been bizarrely awful lately. It's hard not to get vertigo by looking at the backgrounds today and which seems to have affected Ooola's head in the second panel where her face is semi-detached from her head. Lemon could certainly use a class in perspective but maybe he should just try to draw a straight line - one, buddy - as a start. They seem to be a perfect fit, though.
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