On Today's Alley Oop 20 July 2020
On Saturday, Joey left us with what looked like a cliffhanger as Ooola appeared to be attacking something, although with a rather skimpy spear, it couldn't have been very big. Still, it showed a slight promise of action in a strip where action has been sadly AWOL for the last year-and-a-half.

I think most of us knew deep down that this was likely to be fake or something that wouldn't last long. And, sure enough, this is the first panel in today's strip:

It appears that somehow, some way, she is a prehistoric movie, proving that "Lisa's Story" over at "Funky" isn't the worst making of a movie ever portrayed in a comic strip. One cannot help be awestruck by how stupid this sequence is. First, the two panels don't even flow together as she goes from leaping at something to standing even with her combatant. Not to mention that the pointed end of the spear has disappeared between the two panels. And why is there fake scenery that looks a lot like the real thing? Then you have the absolute nonsense that they are making a movie in Moo. How, and to what purpose? They now have movie cameras and theaters to show movies in? Is Moo now becoming a copy of Bedrock even though residents sleep on stone beds in caves? Are bowling alleys next on the horizon? Another big sigh.
Wootie has repeatedly said that it can't get any dumber and yet it does. I understand the sentiment because it just doesn't seem humanly possible. I'd like to think after today's strip, it couldn't get worse but today's "action" will be explained with the usual dumb joke tomorrow. Like many of us, I have learned to never underestimate the ability of Joey Sayers to write something even dumber tomorrow. She really is that bad with writing this strip.
I think most of us knew deep down that this was likely to be fake or something that wouldn't last long. And, sure enough, this is the first panel in today's strip:
It appears that somehow, some way, she is a prehistoric movie, proving that "Lisa's Story" over at "Funky" isn't the worst making of a movie ever portrayed in a comic strip. One cannot help be awestruck by how stupid this sequence is. First, the two panels don't even flow together as she goes from leaping at something to standing even with her combatant. Not to mention that the pointed end of the spear has disappeared between the two panels. And why is there fake scenery that looks a lot like the real thing? Then you have the absolute nonsense that they are making a movie in Moo. How, and to what purpose? They now have movie cameras and theaters to show movies in? Is Moo now becoming a copy of Bedrock even though residents sleep on stone beds in caves? Are bowling alleys next on the horizon? Another big sigh.
Wootie has repeatedly said that it can't get any dumber and yet it does. I understand the sentiment because it just doesn't seem humanly possible. I'd like to think after today's strip, it couldn't get worse but today's "action" will be explained with the usual dumb joke tomorrow. Like many of us, I have learned to never underestimate the ability of Joey Sayers to write something even dumber tomorrow. She really is that bad with writing this strip.
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