Dan Davis draws Alley Oop
Back in the late '90s there was a very limited run of a then-new Alley Oop comic book with work by Jack Bender, Dave Graue and a guy named Dan Davis. Davis was a huge fan of Alley Oop and worked briefly on the Alley Oop Sunday page with Bender. He currently is the artist on "Crankshaft" and recently published a new action comic book called "All Luck Comics". I came across this example of his artwork:
I also found this post which clearly shows how much he likes our favorite caveman:
Dan Davis Says:
January 5th, 2018 at 1:51 PM
And, lastly, a map of Moo that Dan drew:
I also found this post which clearly shows how much he likes our favorite caveman:
Dan Davis Says:
January 5th, 2018 at 1:51 PM
Beau that was great! I went right down memory lane with you recalling in the early 90’s sweating over every line of Guy Gardner hoping I was getting it right!
I have my own lost story of misplacing a V.T.Hamlin original Alley Oop daily strip and letter he sent me when I was 10. He was very gracious and wrote a two page letter telling me about an upcoming story on Astrology he was planning. I had pulled it out from its safe spot years later when I was working on the Alley Oop comic book series and Sunday strip for a brief time in the late 90’s and only later realized I had no idea where it was. Unfortunately it never turned up again. And I tore my studio and storage apart several times determined to find it, but no go. The most important piece I ever had or will ever have since it was that letter and strip that sent me on the cartooning path. It took me all the way to working on the very same Alley Oop strip, and everything I’ve done in comics including my current work on Garfield and Crankshaft. But philosophically I decided to “let it go” and reminded myself not to get too attached to material things, but remember the good feelings I had about it. And also I have a Hamlin Sunday and a daily original from the Astrology story he mentioned in his letter framed and hanging on the studio wall!
And, lastly, a map of Moo that Dan drew:
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